One of the things that I, unfortunately, learned too late in life is how to be an excellent investor. Don’t get me wrong – my stock portfolio’s performance is just fine. My son will have more than he needs to go to college, and my lovely bride and I will enjoy our twilight years in comfort.
What I failed to understand early-on is that investing happens daily, and it involves WAY more than just putting money away for a rainy day.
Invest in yourself
Too often, bankers of all levels come to work with one thing on their mind – accomplishing everything they can. If you are like me, you probably make out your task list for tomorrow before you leave the office at night. Our calendars are full of appointments, meetings, calls, etc. We work on EVERYTHING… except ourselves. Be honest with yourself. Open up your calendar for this week and add up the hours you have set aside for self-improvement or self-development. If you have more than ONE hour… you’re above average, because most of us have ZERO hours set aside each week for self-improvement.
There is nothing wrong with setting aside one hour each week to read an article, take an online course, watch a webinar, etc. If you are not investing in yourself each week, it will take its toll on your effectiveness and future career opportunities.
Invest in others
One of the really cool parts of my job is the opportunity to meet new bankers looking to join our team. One of the common themes that I hear over and over again is how badly young bankers are being mentored. Frankly, it’s appalling.
Banks of every shape and size are bending-over backwards in the marketplace today to attract new talent to their ranks – and, then, doing a piss-poor job of teaching them. Clearly, too many in my generation were taught how to swim by the “sink or swim” method. If you are one of those bankers, please, take a moment to walk down the hall, or pick up the phone, and apologize to the members of your team.
You didn’t get to where you are all by yourself, and neither did I. We had some great mentors to kick our butts when they needed kicked, who dusted us off when we screwed up, and who smiled when we landed our first big customer. The members of your team need you to invest in them as well!
And maybe today is your first day on the job. This still applies to you. Regardless of your seniority or title, everyone can be a mentor. I can honestly say I have learned some really great lessons from some of our most junior team members.
Be a mentor!!
Invest in your community
There are few things that annoy me more than bankers who take, take, take. They act like the community they serve is just one big ol’ teat for them to suckle. If that’s you, do the rest of us a favor, and get out of the banking business!
There is a valuable connection between a strong, thriving bank and the community they serve. If we, as bankers, are not out in that community, giving back, supporting it, and nurturing it, then that community will die. We owe it to the community and businesses that support us to do the right thing. Be genuine. Be real. Find something in your community that needs leadership and support, and get behind it! Invest in your community! Those are some of the best investments you will ever make!
Investing, like bathing, is a daily activity. And if you fail to do either on a daily basis… pretty soon… you’re going to start to stink!